3 DIY Mistakes to Avoid During Your Concrete Polishing Project

One of the most commonly used construction materials is concrete. That is because it is cost-effective and durable. However, you must pay attention to the maintenance needs of your concrete floor to get the most out of it. An excellent way to keep your concrete floor in top shape is by grinding and polishing it. 

Concrete polishing is a detailed process and might not produce the desired results if you opt to do it yourself. In addition, you could end up making some costly errors. Here are some DIY mistakes that could significantly increase the cost of your concrete polishing project:

1. Using the Wrong Bond for Your Surface

It is crucial to understand how the machine works when polishing concrete. Doing this enables you to choose the right tool for the job. When grinding through hard concrete, you should expect fine dust particles. For this reason, it is recommended to use hard bond diamonds when it comes to grinding soft concrete. And on the other hand, you should use soft bond diamond when you want to grind hard concrete. 

However, you may not have the know-how to choose the most suitable bond for your concrete surfaces. Because of that, you might acquire diamonds that do not cut at all or cut very fast as you start but wear out quickly. Both issues increase your budget and the timeframe for the project. The best way to avoid such issues is by hiring skilled experts since they will quickly identify the proper bonding material to use on your concrete floors for outstanding results. 

2. Ignoring Invisible Scratches

It is vital to always look at the results you are getting as you grind concrete. That way, you can notice scratches as they appear and get rid of them before you go further. However, without the proper concrete polishing knowledge, you may not notice the scratches until you apply the first polish layer. The worst mistake you can make is applying a second coat, hoping that the scratches will go away. Instead of doing that, you should fix these scratches first to ensure the second resin layer produces a clean and shiny finish. 

3. Failing to Inspect the Floor First

When applying your concrete finish, it is easy to take the resin and start the process without inspecting the floor. However, it is essential to examine and prepare the surface before polishing it. The preparation process involves cutting off anything above grade, grinding it, and hammering it to ensure it is below grade. Otherwise, you may end up damaging your machine. 

It is vital to avoid the DIY mistakes above to ensure you complete the project on time and within the set budget. The best way to do that is by hiring concrete polishing professionals since they have the proper knowledge and equipment for the job.

About Me

Michelle's Marvelous Concrete Repair, Maintenance and Purchasing Tips

Welcome to my blog. My name is Michelle. For the last 10 years I have been managing a block of flats, and I am responsible for booking all of the maintenance that happens on the grounds, and of course, that includes our concrete. In this blog, I am going to include a range of tips that should help you whether you are trying to hire a concrete contractor, improve your existing concrete or anything else. In addition to working and writing, I love to travel, spend time at the beach and read. I also enjoy hanging out with my girlfriends, trying new restaurants and training for marathons. Enjoy!
