Reasons to Choose Concrete Pavers for Your Garden

Concrete is a highly malleable substance as it can be textured, coloured and moulded in different ways. Rather than using a concrete slab in your garden, you could use concrete pavers instead. Here are several benefits.

Repairing is Simple

Your region probably doesn't experience earthquakes every day. However, the earth can shift slightly without it even being obvious more regularly. And these movements can cause a continuous concrete slab to crack.

Pavers, though, don't suffer the same fate. They're laid on a bed of gravel and sand, with the pavers pieced together on top. Thus, each individual paver can re-adjust and jiggle slightly to accommodate any ground movements. As a result, they don't need to crack in response. In any case, if pavers become damaged, you can lift them out and replace individual ones. On the other hand, if you try to repair a crack across a concrete slab, the results can look patchy and obvious.

Natural Drainage

The gravel and sand base underneath the pavers provides excellent drainage. Rainwater can trickle between each piece and drain away. Thus, you're less likely to experience puddles on the surface. Continuous concrete, on the other hand, doesn't allow for such natural flow. Also, lawn areas can simply become swampy and grow puddles when it rains.

Access to Underground Pipes

Because interlocking pavers aren't set in solid cement, they allow you to access underground plumbing pipes or cabling. While it will take labour to dig up the gravel and sand base and lift the pavers, it won't be as laborious as excavating a concrete slab. To access the ground underneath concrete, you may need jackhammers and excavators, which will destroy the paving in the process.

Easy to Remodel

Because of this moveability, pavers allow you to update the landscape more easily. For example, you may leave the existing sand and gravel base and replace the pavers with a different design. Alternatively, you may want to place the same pavers in a different spot in your garden. In this way, concrete pavers offer an adaptable hardscaping option. On the other hand, a concrete slab doesn't provide this flexibility. Once it's demolished using heavy equipment, it can't be reused in the same way.


Concrete pavers create safe surfaces as the joins between each one create texture. Plus, you can choose textured pavers. You can also apply anti-slip sealants to make the paving even less slippery and more user-friendly if it rains.

About Me

Michelle's Marvelous Concrete Repair, Maintenance and Purchasing Tips

Welcome to my blog. My name is Michelle. For the last 10 years I have been managing a block of flats, and I am responsible for booking all of the maintenance that happens on the grounds, and of course, that includes our concrete. In this blog, I am going to include a range of tips that should help you whether you are trying to hire a concrete contractor, improve your existing concrete or anything else. In addition to working and writing, I love to travel, spend time at the beach and read. I also enjoy hanging out with my girlfriends, trying new restaurants and training for marathons. Enjoy!
